MH240 Series Printer Parts

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Answer 5 + 9 =
32-0600044-10LFElectronic Cover (MH240/MH240T Series) 
30-0600032-10LFLower front cover
98-0600020-00LFMedia Cover Assembly
32-0600046-10LFElectronic cover (MH240P Series)
98-0600025-00LFLower front cover (MH240P Series)
32-0600061-00LFElectronic lower cover (MH240P Series)
98-0600019-00LFLCD panel cover assembly (MH240 Series)
66-VT035AK-00LF3.5” LCD (MH240 Series)
98-0600046-00LFLeft front panel cover assembly (MH240 Series)
30-0600027-10LFLED panel assembly (Green/Red)
98-0600057-00LFUSB host PCB assembly
98-0510102-00LFBluetooth module (Factory Option)
98-0600058-00LFLCD panel borad assembly (MH240 Series)
98-0600019-01LFLCD panel cover assembly (MH240T Series)
98-0600019-02LFLCD panel cover assembly (MH240P Series)
98-0600046-01LFLeft front panel cover assembly (MH240T Series)
98-0600046-02LFLeft front panel cover assembly (MH240P Series)
66-043TN24-00LF4.3” LCD (MH240T/MH240P Series)
98-0600059-00LFLCD panel borad assembly (MH240T/MH240P Series)
98-0600016-00LFStepping motor assembly
98-0600021-00LFMedia end sensor
98-0600060-23LFMain board assembly (MH240T/MH240P Series socket color: J24(green), J25(red))
98-0600055-00LFGPIO interface assembly (including parallel port, Factory option)
62-0600245-01LFPower supply
98-0600008-00LFPlaten roller assembly
 98-0600009-30LFMedia sensor module assembly
98-0600012-10LFMedia damper assembly
98-0600014-00LFRibbon rewind spindle assembly
98-0600013-00LFRibbon supply spindle assembly
98-0600017-00LFLabel supply spindle assembly (For MH240P 1.5" I.D. core spindle)
98-0600004-00LFTPH open sensor assembly
98-0240026-00LFRibbon end sensor assembly
98-0600003-00LFRibbon encoder sensor assembly
98-0600011-00LFLabel guide module
98-0600035-00LFInternal rewinder assembly (MH240P Series only)
30-0680001-00LF3" core adapters (For MH240 and MH240T series with 1” I.D. core spindle only)
98-0680011-00LFLabel supply spindle assembly (For MH240 and MH240T series 1” I.D. core spindle only)
98-0600032-10LFRegular guillotine cutter module
98-0600043-10LFHeavy duty cutter module
98-0600064-00LFCare Label Cutter Module
 72-0180100-00LFPower cord/ US
 72-0180100-01LFPower cord/ EU
72-0180100-02LFPower cord/ UK
72-0180100-03LFPower cord/ AU
72-0180100-14LFPower cord/ JP
72-0180100-05LFPower cord/ CH
72-0180100-0DLFPower cord/ CN
72-0180100-09LFPower cord/ BR
72-0180100-0KLFPower cord/ KC
72-0180100-0MLFPower cord/ TW
72-0180100-0LLFPower cord/ TW (second source)
72-0180100-0PLFPower cord/ RU
72-0010030-00LFUSB cable (1500mm)
98-0600026-00LFPeel-off kit (MH240/MH240T Series only)
98-0600070-00LFMedia guide for peel-off module assembly (dealer option)
98-0600037-00LFInternal rewinding spindle for peel-off module assembly (dealer option)
98-0600029-00LFPeel-off module panel (dealer option)
98-0510097-00LFSlot-in Wi-Fi module with antenna and transfer board (dealer option) 
98-0510095-00LFSlot-in Wi-Fi module (dealer option) 
98-0510091-00LFSlot-in Wi-Fi housing with transfer board (dealer option)
98-0600079-00LFCutter tray (For MH Heavy duty and Care label cutter only)
98-0600088-00LFBase cutter catch tray ( Standard, For MH Heavy duty and Care label cutter only)
98-0600084-00LFUniversal cutter catch tray (Full set)
98-0600092-00LF5” O.D. Internal rewinding kit (dealer option, MH240/ MH240T series with 1” I.D. core spindle only)
98-0160010-10LF3" Label core rewinder adopter assembly
98-0600098-00LFPrint engine module (203 dpi)
98-0600098-01LFPrint engine module (300 dpi)
98-0600098-02LFPrint engine module (600 dpi)
98-0T80022-00LFCleaning pen (MOQ 12pcs/CTN)
34-0600001-00LFPacking Carton_MH240
34-0600002-00LFFront Cushion Packing
34-0600003-00LFRear Cushion Packing
34-0600021-00LFTop Cushion Packing
34-0600004-00LFRibbon Spindle Cushion Packing
34-0600015-00LFTPH Cushion Packing
34-0510007-00LFPacking Polybag