Printronix Auto ID Online Data Validation (ODV™)

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Printronix Auto ID Online Data Validation (ODV™)

Printronix's exclusive Online Data Validation (ODV™) eliminates compliance fees with automatic, 100 % barcode validation. Available on the SL/T5000r thermal printer, ODV ensures that all barcodes meet the most stringent scanning standards, reducing unnecessary compliance costs.

With our one and only ODV technology, you can:

  • Eliminate chargebacks due to refused or delayed shipments
  • Deliver 100% scannable barcodes to your production area every time, automatically
  • Eliminate unscannable barcodes from entering into your supply chain distribution system
  • Reduce labor costs and downtime with an unattended solution
  • Capture and display the raw data within each barcode, to provide further assurance that critical data, such as serialized barcodes, print correctly

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