Evolis Elypso Card Printer

The Versatile Front-DeskCard System
The Elypso printer was designed for all your individual plastic card printing and personalization needs: monochrome or color, with multiple encoding options.
Specially developed for use at customer-facing counters, Elypso fits seamlessly with your existing systems and is your best choice for instant card personalization.
According to your needs, Elypsocan print either single or dualsided cards.
The printer can also be equippedwith encoders for magneticstripe and contact andcontactless smart cards.
The software architectureof Evolis Premium SDK wasdesigned to make Elypso fitseamlessly with your existingcomputer systems.
Very compact (barely biggerthan a standard letter size sheetof paper) and quiet, Elypsois discreet and has a smallfootprint
Thanks to Elypso’s unique front-loading design, insertion andretrieval of cards make it easy toaccess even in tight spaces.
With the Evolis PremiumSuite® software you can receivenotifications and easily controlthe printer from your computer.
Further Information
Elypso Brochure |